Ben prides himself on executing every transaction with diligence, honesty, confidentiality, and dependability. He doesn't stop working until his clients are completely satisfied, which has led to an ongoing supply of referrals from buyers and sellers. He loves to listen to people, which translates into his outstanding ability to match the right properties to suit his client’s lifestyles. He has the acquired skillsets of transacting multiple property types in different markets with a proven success of selling waterfront, luxury properties, golf communities, condominiums, vacation homes and investment properties! A part of Coldwell Banker’s Global Luxury network, and being a Certified Luxury Property Specialist and a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist, Ben is part of one of the most powerful international luxury marketing platforms in the world. Coldwell’s well-positioned office inside the The Boca Raton resort & club compliments Ben’s business, situated at one of the most iconic properties in South Florida.
Luxury Property Specialist